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Tuesday 28 August 2012

The Pentacle


knowing what it means

Elements of pentacle

Of all the symbols and tools used in Wicca and witchcraft, this is probably the most misunderstood. The pentacle is usually a flat piece of metal or wood inscribed with a pentagram, a five-pointed star.

The pentacle came from ceremonial magic and has been used in ritual and magick for thousands of years. It is used to represent feminine energy and to consecrate objects such as amulets and charms. The pentacle is also a traditional symbol of protection and is one of the official symbols of a Wicca.

The pentacle is the tool of the North and is associated with Earth.

The pentacle is feminine in nature and represents the Goddess.

The pentacle, as used by Wiccans, has the a single point of the star pointing up, which is not to be confused with the Satanic version which is inverted (two points up).

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