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Monday 16 February 2015

Premonition Dream?!

A quick hello all and sorry i have not posted in awhile! I am writing this post because i recently heard a friend of mine has had a dream they feel could be a premonition dream, so writting this to hopefully better inform myself, them and you guys! if you have anything helpful on this please leave a comment below! Many blessings )O( 


What is a premonition

Are they real?


  1. a strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something unpleasant.
    "he had a premonition of imminent disaster"

An example would be dreaming of a car accident then a day or even a few weeks later it coming true.
That in mind the real question is are they real? 
The answer to that relies on what you believe, some scientists believe we do have a sixth sense from our gut feeling or intuition to premonition's, the trouble with premonition dreams is proving you had them in the first place! So the evidence surrounding this tricky. 

My personal experience is that I do believe they happen and have had a few minor experiences with them myself, like running late in a dream and then doing so the next day, however without further ado my friends dream and my breakdown of it...

The Dream

From what I know they dreamed that they where walking their normal evening route when an attack happened they are not sure if they witnessed the attack, where being attacked or if they where the attacker, what worried them about this nightmare was the reality of it. It seemed so very real. We all have the dream where we think its real but some dreams are that next step further! This was one of those. 

Their concern is if this is something that is going to happen in the future. 

The Meaning

so to break down the possible meanings of this dream i am going to start by treating it as if it was a normal dream.

In a normal dream or nightmare dreaming that you attacked someone represents pent-up frustration and anger. You might feel that you have been wronged, and your dream serves as an easy and safe way to express your anger.

To dream that you are being attacked by someone indicates your character is being questioned. You feel the need to defend yourself. You are feeling stressed, vulnerable and helpless. You may also be facing difficult changes in your waking life. Dreaming of an attack provides a way for you to confront these situations that you may be avoiding in real life. 

To witness to something in your dream represents your need to be more observant. You need to examine something more closely and look at a situation more objectively. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are watching life pass you by. Perhaps you are emotionally detached or feel you are an outcast of society.

To dream that you or someone commits a crime represents feelings of guilt and shame. Your inner fears are hindering your growth and progress.

So those are a few words i'd associate with their dream and a breakdown of what the represent in a dream setting, however determining weather or not you had a premonition can only happen if what you dreamed of comes true! However whatever happens you cannot hold yourself accountable for the dream. We cannot control what we dream although through meditation i was able to connect more with dreams leading to past lives and dreams that turned out to be premonitions, a focused mind is always best. A list of what to do as found from another blog!

• The best thing to do if you are encountering premonitions is not to panic
• Keep a notepad and pen by your bedside
• When you wake up in the morning, try to stay in your same position and relax
• In your mind, drift closer to the dream
• Do not think of the days activities. Stay close to the dream.
• Start writing.
• Document every detail, even the tiniest ones such as colors you saw, numbers that popped up and your feelings that you felt during the dream
• Symbolism plays a huge role in premonitions. Do not take everything literal. Instead keep an open mind.
• Date stamp each dream/premonition
• Talk to your friends or family about it

I hope this ends up being somewhat helpful trying to find information to go on is hard and researching proved difficult, but if anyone else has had a dream that came true or has more information on these types of dreams please comment below, as always blessed be, love and light to you all )O( ~ Emma 

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