
Merry Meet all, welcome to my blog. It's a place where you can find spells, crafts, recipes and advice. I Hope you enjoy it. Blessed be.


Spells, Spells ,Spells

Rituals, lotions, potions, incense and more

Casting a circle.

Seems like a good place to start, As with quite a few spells and such this is required, but they wont always indicate this, its up to you to decide where it is needed. There are a few different ways of casting a circle. Most involve marking out your area and invoking the goddess in the north, east, south and west. Here is just one example of how it is done, in time you might develop your own way. Which is fine.

A circle can be cast for all magical acts. The size of a circle varies vastly – it should be able to comfortably fit those using it. An altar should be placed in the circle in a north, center or east position.

1. Cleanse yourself and you chosen area. Set up an altar with the following items: a pentagram symbol, two black candles, an athame or sword, a small bell, a bowl of salt, a bowl of water, a chalice and a saucer.

2. Light your altar candles. Holding blade, walk around your circle, and say: “With this sacred blade I cast the circle of my craft. May it be a doorway to a sacred circle beyond time and space. Let it be a meeting place for all good, and may it deter all wickedness.”

3. Stand in front of your altar, pick up your bell, and say: “In the names of the Goddess and the Horned God, I cast this my working circle.” Afterwards, ring your bell.

4. Return to the North and raise your blade high before you. Call out: “Bear witness, Spirits of the North, guardians of Wicca.” Go to the East, South and West and repeat at each.

5. At the altar, put your bowl of salt on the pentagram and lower your blade into the bowl of salt, saying: “I exorcise thee, so that it may be purified and may aid me well.”

6. Put your bowl of water on the pentagram and take a pinch of salt and sprinkle it into the water. Lower the blade of your athame into the water, saying: “I cleanse and consecrate thee, Water of Life, and ask you to bless this circle. In the names of the Goddess and the Horned God, so mote it be!”

7. Pick up and hold the consecrated water and walk slowly around the circle again (still clockwise), and sprinkle a few drops along the line of the Circle, saying: “I consecrate this sacred circle by the powers of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. May the Goddess bestow her love herein, and the Horned God his honor.” Pick up your chalice, pour a small amount in the saucer for the Goddess and the Horned God, then take a sip yourself. After, place the chalice back on your pentagram.

This completes the casting of your circle. Specific activity can now be performed here, such as a Sabbath ritual, making a charm, or healing. It is absolutely crucial you do not leave the circle until your activity is complete, and without properly closing it. When your chosen focus is complete, move on to closing the circle.

How to Close a Circle
(something most people forget to mention closing the circle is as important as casting it.)

Go to the North, hold up your blade, and say, “Guardians and spirits of the North wind, my ritual is now complete. I bid you hail and farewell. Hail and farewell.” Repeat counterclockwise from North to West, to South, to East, and back to the North again.

Extinguish your altar candles and bow your head at the altar, saying, “I declare this scared circle closed. So mote it be.” Ring a bell to complete the closing and step out.

Beltane Ritual - Solitary

A ritual for those wanting to celebrate but not in a coven, or deciding to take a more solitary path.

For decorations, use a vase of fresh flowers and daisies, red and white streamers, and regular altar tools. Include a wicker basket, an herb sacred to the Goddess, an herb sacred to the God, and a 3ft white ribbon.


Cast the circle and say:

"I am here on this day, Beltane, May Day, and the time of the Sacred Marriage. I am here to understand life, death, and rebirth and to give reverence to those who have endured each."

Bow your head to think about Beltane and how it fits into the three groups above and the wheel of the year. Say:

"I stand here before the gate between the living and the dead on this day when the Sun is ageing and maturing, and looking towards marriage. I am here to witness the marriage of the God, Green Man, The waxing lord of the Sun, and his pregnant lover, Mother Earth. Union...a necessary transition in the wheel of the year."

Place the herbs or flowers that represent the Goddess in the basket. Then the God herbs. Say:

Congratulations, beloved Sun King!"

Place the 2 kinds of herbs very close together.

Meditate upon the goals and symbolic seeds planted at Ostara. Think about how they are stepping stones on the path to achieving your true will. Do martial (Love divinations. Now is also a good time to plan for upcoming weddings, wedding showers, and baby showers)

You can now conclude the Ritual. Say:

"May I be Triumphant in my destiny. May I always know my true will."

Close the circle. Serve strawberry bread, and grape juice in your simple feast. Leave the marriage basket on the altar until Midsummer to remind you of your own strive for unity.

Crystal Dream Pillows

Need some help for good dreams? try this out :) worked well for me. Blessed be.

1. Place a crystal on a clean white handkerchief with some dream herbs.
2. Tie it together with a blue silk ribbon.
3. Sleep with this under your pillow or cheek.
4. Take it apart and cleanse as needed. *Many crystals enhance dreaming, but because they must be cleansed periodically (for maximum potency but also in the aftermath of disturbing visions and nightmares), don't sew them inside of a pillow or sachet.

Four Winds Spell

To Promote Harmonious Living;To bring harmony and balance into all areas of your life.

To Cast the Spell:
1. Cast a circle
2. Place a bowl of water, bowl of salt, Incense, and a tea light candle at equidistant points around the circle.
3. Take a black and white candle and light them both saying: "I stand between the darkness and the light".
4. Take a length of pale blue silken cord (approx. 24") and tie it into 4 knots at equidistant points along the cord after each of the following lines:
"I invoke the east wind, by my breath"
"I invoke the south wind, by my body's heart"
"I invoke the west wind, by the water in my blood"
"I invoke the north wind, by my flesh and bones"
5. Bury the cord in salt saying: "I show you to the earth.
Soak in water saying: "I show you to the water"
Pass it through the smoke of the incense saying "I show you to air"
Pass it through the heat from the tea light saying: "I show you to fire"
6. Hold the cord up, and declare:
"May all around me balanced be
Whenever the four winds blow on me
May I retain true harmony
Blessed and so mote it be!"

Keep the cord safe.

*Note: This spell should be cast on a waxing half moon.*

Finding spell

Bound & binding
Binding bound
See the sight
Hear the sound
What was lost 
Now is found
Bound & Binding
Binding Bound

Book of shadows blessing

“In the realm of magick this book shall reside.
No one but the chosen shall see what’s inside.
If breath be to air as passion to fire,
Let harm come to none, this is my desire.
If life be to earth as water to emotions,
This book be filled with magickal potions.
May the Gods protect it, keep it from harm,
And upon it bestow power, magick and charm.
No one without wisdom shall peer at it’s pages,
The knowledge inside shall be handed down through the ages.
 This book be it mine, it harbors no fears,
The knowledge obtained through blood, sweat& tears,
My magick’s my passion, the spirits my guide.
The book may she bless it with spiritual light.
And let only her children read of its rite.
For those of the Wicca truly can see,
That this is my will,
So mote it be!”

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