
Merry Meet all, welcome to my blog. It's a place where you can find spells, crafts, recipes and advice. I Hope you enjoy it. Blessed be.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Crystals *cleansing & charging*

Sorry i haven't posted for a while! But we are back! and heres a break down of crystals *cleansing & charging* 

why cleanse crystals?
When you first obtain crystals or have been using them for some time, or even if they have been left sitting around somewhere, they will have absorbed a range of different energies that they will have been exposed to by yourself and others who may have handled them and transferred various energies and emotions into them. Which is why is normally best to cleanse them either weekly, daily, monthly ect. depending on your use of them. However if you are given a crystal as a gift which has already has specific energy put into it for you i.e healing if your sick, then you will not need to do an initial cleansing as that would be getting rid off the energy someone kindly put there for you.

Way's to cleanse your crystals:
1.running water
2.salt water
6.candle flame
7.water with essential oils

Way's to charge your crystals:
3.white light

Be Careful what methods you use! some are better suited than others some may damage your crystal such as salt water. So use your knowledge of what best suits the type of Crystal you're dealing with :)

If you're low on time or need to cleanse while multi tasking a good way to do that is....

:) Blessed Be Everyone! 

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